Irrigation Experts
Central California
My name is Justin Pearson and I am the owner of DNP Ag Water, Inc. We are an ag water treatment company that specializes in micro irrigation maintenance and performance.Our goal is to keep your distribution uniformity (DU) performing as it was designed—With our extensive line of chemicals, we can and will continue to meet those goals for our growers, each and every time.With a field inspection and a water analysis, we will choose the proper chemical(s) for your maintenance program.We offer the following services:+Irrigation system troubleshooting and repair
+Detailed water analysis
+Pre / Post / In-season shock treatments
+Installation of metering & chemigation pumps
+Monitored continuous maintenance program
+Distribution uniformity flow test
+Reservoir shocks (algae, bacteria, iron, etc.)Please feel free to contact me at your convenience. Thank you.